Samantha and me at my going away party
Me at my first college party night
D'arcy, me, and Jade at my dad's wedding
While I feel like I've grown a lot this year, I have still struggled with a lot of emotions. I'm still not entirely comfortable with myself around my family. I'm still self-conscious about everything I do, even though people continue to tell me that I shouldn't be. This may be why this year has been romantically dry. I just need to find my balance between what is reality and what is the fantasy I want to fulfill. Something I can work on for 2010: be more assertive and confident, more easily said than done.
Britney Spears: The Circus
Seika and me at the end of Spring semester
I began taking classes in my major, Media Studies, and fell in love with the subject. I left every class feeling more and more inspired by the world in which we live. I don't really feel as blinded by what I experience every day. I just love it, hopefully I can stay in the major because I truly love it and it would make my Berkeley experience worth while. Something I can work on in 2010: find what else in Berkeley makes me happy so I don't do something irrational and leave.
Front row at Kylie Minogue's first North American tour
Me and Kylie Minogue
I have struggled with a lot of personal relationships this year. I have such a hard time not getting emotionally attached to every single interaction that I come across. I over-think every situation, which contributes to be low self-confidence. I try to come across happy and bubbly, but there are truly very few people who make me happy. Those people who do make me happy, truly do. There are a handful of people, however, who really cause me to go to sleep feeling pretty shitty. Something I can work on in 2010: not letting everything get to me.
Me, Jonathan, and John having a BARE night
Aesthetically, something that means a lot to me, I have matured and developed a lot. I have been able to incorporate my love of pop culture and pop music into a more mature and serious aesthetic. This year, I saw Britney Spears, No Doubt, Kylie Minogue, and Lady Gaga; all of whom have had a tremendous impact on my life. I don't know what it is about pop music and these girls specifically, but I have just always felt a huge connection to them. Seeing them all in the same year really makes this a landmark year. While many would think that it is superficial of me to consider seeing them a pivotal moment, they just don't understand. I think as a boy who spent the first 17 years of his life in the closet, these artists provided a way to express myself without feeling persecuted for being who I am. So seeing them and feeling the same energy they felt, it just means so much to me, making 2009 quite special to me.
Production team photo post-shoot
My Halloween costume: Pop Star on the Moon
I feel like 2009 wasn't amazing, it definitely was an important year for me. There I go again, putting myself down because of my unnaturally high standards. Right now, my high standards and expectations keep me down, but I am hoping that my disinterest in accepting mediocrity will benefit me in the long run.
Zoe and me at Lady Gaga's The Monster Ball
I hope 2010 meets my expectations, it would be a big step for me.
Jackson and me waiting for The Monster Ball
Me and Elana hanging out during winter break, 2009
Aww Jordan this is cute. 2010 will be THE year!! (now say that to yourself 50 x)