Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Venting: Heidi Montag on Good Morning America

Above is a video of Heidi Montag discussing her recent plastic surgery that included 10 different procedures. Whatever, you probably know the story. At the end of the segment, the hosts of Good Morning America ask for thoughts on this matter. They are probably expecting a flood of comments from angry moms and "empowered" teenagers criticizing Heidi Montag for her own personal choices to have these surgeries. I have a different take on the matter and it is one that I would hope that many others would agree with.

ABC, it is YOU that is setting the bad example. How horrible is it that you are giving this "story" the time of day. Look, I have NO problem with Heidi Montag because I take her for what she is--a mentally unstable fame whore who pimps herself out and embarrasses herself on a daily basis because of her Twitter babble about her "music career," her dogs, Jesus, and her "hubby." A news show like Good Morning America that has millions upon millions of viewers is unapologetically airing this segment
and attempting to make Heidi look like the bad guy. Who is the bad guy really? It's ABC. ABC and People Magazine, the publication who first published the story, probably accepted some sort of payment from Heidi Montag and her husband in order to get on the program. It is no secret to what extent this couple will reach in order to achieve fame. Heidi Montag does not have legions of fans, she won't pull in ratings. However, it is the human interest aspect of this story that has convinced ABC, Good Morning America, and it's producers that this would be a good story to run on one of their biggest
programs. It is in this instance that ABC, not Heidi Montag, should have made the good, responsible choice to NOT air this segment. It is HUMILIATING that someone like Heidi Montag could have any impact whatsoever over what young girls think is the true standard of beauty. This girl is so moronic and it's truly embarrassing that the hosts of a program on ABC, the American Broadcasting Company, owned by Disney, has the AUDACITY to sit around and talk about Montag as if she is setting a poor example for
American girls while they are the ones flaunting this story and promoting this story. The young girls that ABC fears will see Montag and think that they must undergo surgery to look beautiful do not know how to discern the critical approach of the interviewer as well as the commentators. To me, a 19 year old university student, I can tell that this is a horrible message and that the ABC employees understand this. A girl who is sitting around at 10 AM when this program airs and is brushing her Barbie doll's hair while she awaits her mother's home-
cooked breakfast is observing a girl who looks like an over-inflated balloon and hears her saying that this is what made her feel beautiful. This young girl is witnessing something truly terrifying that I luckily never have had to witness. Why is she seeing this? Not because Heidi Montag has overtaken the American government and forced her image upon every last billboard and television station and so on, but because ABC wants to attract moronic Americans who, for one reason or another, find this story to be of interest.

So in conclusion, if you could even decipher my point through my anger, it is not solely Heidi Montag who should be ashamed of the impression she makes, but ABC. ABC, you sit around and judge this woman but yet you use her to get more money from your advertisers. If I had my way, all of your advertisers would pull funds from this show and it would go off air. It's just so hypocritical and strips this show of any credibility that it had left. Anyways, there are much more important things going on
in our world today but this particularly frustrated me. Don't act all high and mighty when you are the one who is supposed to uphold your morals and standards. Montag never claims to be a role model, but ABC, you do. Thanks bye.

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